Monday 4 November 2013

Hello ladies and gentlemen.

This are actually quite late post since my internet connection was too slow this past few weeks and today I have got the chance to update about my current status and issue right now. What had happened was, another 1 week to go and then i'll be gone... Not that gone gone haha. I will be continuing my studies at UITM DUNGUN this 19th November. Alhamdulilah. Oh and on 29th October, these past 5 days I had went to an Spa interview in Kuantan. Alhamdulilah everythings going well like I had planned. Just waiting for the result this 3rd December. Kalau ada rezeki, ada lah :)

Ok so today, my sister asked me to follow her going out to temerloh. At first I had expected that there's a suprise (AND IT IS HAPPEN!!!) So the suprises is, Iphone 5s. Alhamdulilah my wishlist had been fullfilled. Thank you to my mom :)

That's all and farewell!

Friday 18 October 2013

Hello, finally after a few months i had been deleting my old blog. and resting my hands from typing a post. and in all of sudden, i started to miss blogging so there some kind of strong feeling in my heart and it said "Let's make a new blog, a new one. Let's start fresh" So ya, this is kind of starting fresh blogging. Em I'm not gonna update my blog always but I'll just update it if I think there is an important story to tell you guys or some kind of wanna share some story that i think i should share it. Is that clear enough? Hahaha.

Okay let's start with this month. Ya, OCTOBER my favourite and the most exciting month that i had been waiting for all years! So there are many things that happen in this month. First of all, guess what? I got an interview from SPA!!! Do you know SPA? Let me tell you. SPA is Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam. It is something like if we pass the interview and we will continue our study at their college for 3 years. It's just the same period like the diploma student BUT the specialities is that "KITA DAPAT KERJA DEKAT BAWAH KERAJAAN" when we finish the studies. So I got an interview as a "Latihan Penolong Pegawai Perubatan". And this 29th October, I have to attend the interview at Bandar Indera Mahkota, Kuantan. I'm so nervous. I'm hoping that I'll pass the examination and the interview. Amin~

OOOOKKK, next~ This 21st October, the result of  UITM is coming out. I don't know what to feel but I hope I will get it because it will be my backup plan if I didn't get pass through the SPA interview.

So now you see, it is some kind of "nervous" month ever. But this 27th October is my 18 Birthday!!! Yeay! I can't wait for that day come. I can't wait for the birthday present actually hahaha.

Ok lah, that's all. Till we meet again bloggersssssss :)